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User Settings

Each NEN System User has the possibility to modify their personal information, set its visibility, and, if necessary, change the login password. These actions can be performed by clicking on the user icon in the upper right menu of the screen and selecting the "Settings" option.


The functionality "Settings of visibility of information outside the organization" serves to create a "Contact person". A contact person can also be created from the "Management of Persons" form by the entity's administrator or the organizational department's administrator.

By checking the checkbox(es) also in the "Settings of visibility of information outside the organization" section, the NEN System User makes their information public, and it becomes part of the entity’s detail in the Register of economic operators.

Each NEN System User can independently reset a forgotten password. On the login form for the NEN system, click on the "Forgot password" option and proceed by entering the username and email address of your user account. The password of a NEN System User can also be reset by the entity’s administrator and the NEN System User Support.


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