Submission of a Tender, Indicative Tender, Request to Participate and Others
Individual submission types are described below and are available based on the specific type of a procurement procedure in its various phases and life cycles. Submission can only be made by a person with the assigned role of "Participant of a procurement procedure".
In case that the contracting authority requires the attachment of an electronic signature during submission, it is necessary to install the Crypto native app and Crypto web Extension add-ons (available for download here).
You can verify the correctness of your electronic signature through the compatibility test on the public portal of the NEN system.
It is not necessary to install these add-ons for encrypting electronic submissions.
Submissions can be made from various locations in the NEN system, and the subsequent form will be identical.
1. Main screen - tab "Procurement Procedures"
In the white field on the "All" or "My Procedures" folder, enter the number or name of the public contract. After pressing the enter key, procurement procedures that match the data you entered will be displayed. Using the "three dots" quick option button, you can submit a tender, withdraw a tender, or add or remove a procurement procedure from your procedures.

If you click on the "i" icon next to a procurement procedure, its details will appear. The "Submit a tender/ request to participate/ indicative tender" button is located under the option "Economic operator’s actions" in the top grey toolbar.

2. Tile "Make a Submission"
3. Tab "Activities in My Procedures" - invitation to submission
In the "Activities in My Procedures" tab (located on the main screen on the right) - the "Invitations" folder. After opening the detail, you will find the "Submit a tender" button in the top toolbar.

The display of the "Tender" form depends on the settings of the contracting authority. However, process of completing and submitting the tender will always be analogically identical.
The tender form will be displayed, where you fill in the price and subsequently attach files.
If the economic operator is not a VAT payer, enter the same amount in the column for the price without VAT and the price with VAT. The NEN system will add a 0% VAT rate.
A form will be displayed where you will only upload files.
If it refers to a procurement procedure within the ZZVZ (or if the contracting authority sets it), encryption will be required. The NEN system will not allow you to submit the tender without it.
The number of uploaded files is not limited, however, the total size of individual files must not exceed 1 GB, and at the same time, the size of each file must not exceed 110 MB. Multiple files can also be uploaded through a ZIP file (or alternatively, 7z, RAR), with the file size not exceeding 110 MB. If you need to insert a file of an unsupported format, you can create a ZIP file from it, which is already supported.
Permissible attachment formats are listed in the NEN System Operating Rules.