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Description of the Auction Room

The information displayed in the auction room corresponds to the settings configured by the contracting authority. If you only have the role of "Entity’s Administrator", you will not see the auction room.

In case you need another NEN System User to view the auction room as an observer, use the "Add an observer" feature on the details of the specific e-auction.

The auction room is divided into several sections:

  • the state of the auction round,

  • auction room information,

  • my bid,

  • bids of other participants in the e-auction (it is displayed only if the contracting authority enables this option).


Other information

State of the auction round

State of the auction round

This section displays basic information about the auction round and additionally:

  • the remaining time until the end of the auction round,

  • the current ranking of the auction round,

  • information about the number of prolongations (automatic prolongation of the last auction round - only if set by the contracting authority in the given e-auction),

  • the total number of participants (only if set by the contracting authority in the given e-auction).


Auction room information

Auction room information

Here, basic information about the auction room will be displayed:

  • the NEN system number and the name of the public contract,

  • the name of the contracting authority,

  • the contact person,

  • the time until the end of the auction room (only if the contracting authority sets the option "V určené době nebude podána nová nabídka" (No new bids will be submitted within the specified time) in the e-auction),

  • the remaining time until the end of the auction room,

  • the evaluation formula.


My bid

My bid

Here, the following will be displayed:

  • my current values,

  • the best bid,

  • the best value.

Best bid = the bid currently in the first position (calculated according to the formula set by the contracting authority, may not include all the best values in case of multiple evaluation criteria).
Best value = best values for each evaluation criterion in the given e-auction are displayed here (they may not be values from a single economic operator).

The contracting authority limits the range for submitting a new auction value. This range is specified as "Min. value" and "Max. value". Insert the value into the yellow field labelled as "New" so that the value does not exceed the Min. value (the criterion was set as maximizing) and Max. value (the criterion was set as minimizing), and click the "Bid" button. The NEN system will record the bid and automatically adjust the values ​​in the corresponding fields.


In the auction room, only the limiting thresholds are displayed as follows:

  • for the maximizing type of criterion, only the "Min. value" is displayed, which cannot be further reduced by a bid,

  • for the minimizing type of criterion, only the "Max. value" is displayed, which cannot be exceeded by a bid,

  • in the case where all criteria are of the maximizing type, only the "Min. value" column will be visible, and vice versa.

Limits are applied only when there is an improvement in the best value within a given criterion. If this is not the case, the NEN system only checks that the new bid is an improvement over the previous bid, but it does not have to meet the calculated criterion limits.


A minimizing criterion means that the most suitable value is the lowest bid value (e.g., delivery time). A maximizing criterion means that the most suitable value is the highest bid value (e.g., the number of contact points of the economic operator). To find out what type of criterion the contracting authority used, click on the "i" icon in the "My Bid" section by the given criterion.

When configuring the e-auction, the contracting authority specifies not only the limiting thresholds (min. and max. values) but also a recommended threshold expressed as a percentage. This threshold is not displayed during the e-auction, but if a bid exceeds the specified percentage value, an alert message will be shown indicating that a significantly better bid is being submitted. This control mechanism prevents mistakes during bidding.

Recommended thresholds are based on best values. This will always depend on the type of criterion and its settings by the contracting authority. An alert message regarding the recommended thresholds will only appear when significantly higher bid values are submitted.

Example: The contracting authority sets as the criterion for evaluating the ratio of bid price and economic operator-provided quality values. This criterion consists of the bid price, which is always a minimizing type of criterion, and the quality criterion, in this case expressed as the length of service support in days. The quality criterion is a maximizing type of criterion. The current values for "Economic Operator 1" in the e-auction for the bid price are now 1 985 000 CZK and 200 days for the quality criterion. "Economic Operator 1" sees that their offered price is worse than that of "Economic Operator 2", whose offered value is 1 975 075 CZK. In the quality criterion expressed in days, "Economic Operator 2" also has a better value of 205 days. "Economic Operator 1" changes their value only in the quality criterion, which they adjust to 300 and then clicks the 'Bid' button.


The NEN system will record the submission and automatically update the new values in the respective fields. "Economic Operator 1" now moves to the top of the rankings with an improvement over their last bid. Since the economic operator did not exceed the contracting authority's recommended threshold expressed as a percentage, no alert message was displayed regarding the submission of a significantly better bid.


Example: "Economic Operator 2" from the previous example will attempt to improve their bid but will enter a bid price value that the NEN system will not allow to be submitted due to the limiting max. value. They set the value for the quality criterion in days to 250. They will then click on the "Bid" button.


The NEN system will display an informative message stating that the bids are outside the permitted limits and will not allow the action to be completed. In this case, if only the values for the quality criterion in days were increased, the NEN system would allow the bid. However, if any of the values exceeds the allowed limits, the NEN system will not permit the bid.


Example: "Economic Operator 2" from the previous two examples will attempt to improve their bid. This time, however, they will enter bid values that significantly improve their offer, thereby exceeding the limits calculated from the best bid. They will choose a price bid of 950 000 CZK and a quality criterion value of 500 days, then click on the "Bid" button.


The limits will be applied where there is an improvement within the specific criterion enhancing the best value. The NEN system will display an informative message based on which you can confirm the action by clicking "Bid" or cancel the action by clicking "Cancel".


If you significantly exceed the recommended limits, the NEN system will always display an informative message, both in the case of the minimum and maximum recommended values.

Example: "Economic Operator 1" is currently ranked second in the ongoing e-auction with a bid price of 310 000 CZK. The bid price of "Economic Operator 2" is 300 000 CZK. Based on the contracting authority's settings, the NEN system has calculated a maximum value of 298 500 CZK. "Economic Operator 1" intends to improve only their last bid without exceeding "Economic Operator 2's" price, thus enhancing their own last bid to 308 000 CZK. They will then click on the "Bid" button.


"Economic Operator 1" remains in the second place in the ranking, but has improved their bid value compared to the previous bid.


If "Economic Operator 1" wanted to bid a total bid price of 299 000 CZK in the e-auction, they would be improving the best current bid of their competitor but would not meet the max. value set at 298 500 CZK. After pressing the "Bid" button, an informative message would appear stating that the newly entered values are outside the permitted limits.


The NEN system will notify you that your new improved bid value exceeds the limits calculated from the best bid ("Max./ Min. value") only if you are improving your own bid value and, at the same time, this value exceeds the best bid value.

Auction values can be changed until the end of the auction round. If the contracting authority conducts an e-auction with multiple evaluation criteria, it is possible to bid for each evaluation criterion separately or for more evaluation criteria simultaneously.

Item listing in the e-auction environment

Item listing in the e-auction environment

If the contracting authority has specified that the evaluation will be based on the pricing of individual bid price items, the NEN system will display the "Bid price items" section, as shown in the following image. If you need to modify the bid price, edit the values for individual bid price items. Editing does not result in the submission of a bid value. After editing the bid price item, the NEN system will recalculate the total bid price in the "My bid" section. Then, click the "Bid" button to submit the updated bid price you have entered. If the total bide price is not updated, click anywhere in the form with your mouse.


The "Return to the last bid values" button will only revert the edited but not submitted changes on individual items back to the value of the last bid. After making a bid, it is no longer possible to return to the last bid values.

In the case of an e-auction where the bid price is determined by the sum of individual item prices, the process includes two steps:

  • preparing and saving the bid price for individual items,

  • making the bid.

Although the moment of submission is considered the moment of bidding, it actually signifies the moment of completion of the whole process, which includes preparing and saving the bid price for individual items followed by making the bid. Therefore, we recommend that economic operators take steps leading to such an action well in advance.

E-auction messages

E-auction messages

During the e-auction, communication with the contracting authority can be conducted via messages directly from the auction room. To communicate, click on the "E-auction messages" button.


On the right side of the screen, a communication panel is displayed. You can write your message in the bottom part, and send it by clicking the "Send message" button. The panel can be hidden again by clicking the "Hide messages" button.

Export/import of items

Export/import of items

In the case of a large number of bid price items included in the e-auction, the NEN system allows you to download the items into an XLSX file using the "Export" button.

In the downloaded file, edit the bid values ​​for individual bid price items and then initiate the "Import" of the file back into the NEN system. The NEN system will inform you of the successful import result. Subsequently, it is necessary to press the "Bid" button to submit the adjusted bid price.


Please note that importing does not automatically result in submitting bid values, it only fills in the "Bid price items" section. Subsequently, it is necessary to complete the bidding by pressing the "Bid" button.

There may be a situation where another participant submits new auction values ​​between updating the bid price items through import and pressing the "Bid" button, and bidding will not be possible due to the update of limits for a new bid. In such a case, it is necessary to perform the action again.

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