The NEN system allows viewing various registers, which serves informational purposes only. The titles of these registers are displayed on the tiles shown in the image below.

Register of economic operators and contracting authorities
Both registers allow displaying basic information about registered entities.
After clicking on the particular entity’s details through the "i" icon, basic information about the organization will be displayed, including an overview of information about the entity and additional organization details containing a list of contact persons and their contact information.

The register of economic operators and contracting authorities is also accessible from the public portal of the NEN system.
Register of qualification systems and innovation partnerships
All communication within these registers can take place, for example, via the internal mailbox in the NEN system, as the option "Communicate with the contracting authority" is not available here.
Economic operators have access to an overview of all established qualification systems. The overview is available both in the authorized part and the public portal of the NEN system.

In the register of innovation partnerships, an innovation partnership will be displayed only if the contracting authority has enabled the option.