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Procurement Procedures and Activities in My Procedures

The NEN system shows the "My Procedures" tab by default, displaying deadlines, sending notices, etc. for the procurement procedures in the "Activities in My Procedures" tab.

Procurement procedures

The list of procurement procedures is divided into three folders, always sorted by the most current records. If you would like to view the complete list of all procurement procedures, click on the "double arrow" icon or the "Show all" button in the respective folder.


My Procedures
Each procurement procedure can be added to "My Procedures". Procurement procedures in which you have received an invitation, submitted a tender, or sent a request for an explanation of the procurement documents are automatically added to the "My Procedures" folder.

The "My procurement procedures" form is divided into four folders:

  • Current - a list of procurement procedures for which the result has not been published (e.g., no economic operator has been selected), or at least 30 days have not passed since the result was published,

  • Today Published Change - a list of procurement procedures for which the contracting authority has published a change in the NEN System Journal or on the contracting authority's profile today (e.g., explanation of procurement documents),

  • Archival - a list of procurement procedures for which the result has been published (an economic operator has been selected and other information) and at least 30 days have passed since the publication,

  • All - a list of all procurement procedures that you have included in your procedures.


Information Service
It displays procurement procedures that correspond with the settings of the information service rules.

The "Information service" form is divided into four folders:

  • All - a list of all procurement procedures that correspond to the settings of the information service,

  • Current by the Submission Deadline - a list of procurement procedures that correspond to your configured information service and for which submissions can be made (the deadline for submitting tenders, requests to participate, and others is running),

  • Published Today - a list of procurement procedures that correspond to your configured information service and that have been published today for the first time in the NEN System Journal or on the contracting authority's profile, or made accessible to you (e.g., initiation of a procurement procedure),

  • Today Published Change - a list of procurement procedures that correspond to your configured information service and for which the contracting authority has published changes today in the NEN System Journal or on the contracting authority's profile, or these changes have been made accessible to you (e.g., explanation of procurement documents, list of participants).


Here, all procurement procedures are displayed, for which a contracting authority has made a publication (some procurement procedures are published in the public portal of the NEN system only after the procurement procedure results are known, so you will not find them earlier). Additionally, you will see here procurement procedures for which you have received an invitation for any submission.

The "All procurement procedures" form is divided into four folders:

  • All - an overview of procurement procedures,

  • Current by the Submission Deadline - a list of procurement procedures for which submissions can be made, i.e., the deadline for submitting tenders, requests to participate, and others is running,

  • Published Today - a list of procurement procedures that have been published today for the first time in the NEN System Journal or on the contracting authority's profile (e.g., initiation of a procurement procedure),

  • Today Published Change - a list of procurement procedures for which the contracting authority has published changes today in the NEN System Journal or on the contracting authority's profile (e.g., explanation of procurement documentation, document, list of participants).


Activities in My Procedures

In the right part of the main screen, you will find the "Activities in My Procedures" tab. Here, you can access all publications and other structured information provided by a contracting authority (it only applies to procurement procedures assigned in the "My Procedures" section). After clicking on the "funnel" icon next to the respective procurement procedure in the left part of "Procurement Procedures", the right part of "Activities in My Procedures" will display past publications, active deadlines, etc.


In this tab, all publications related to the procurement procedure, key deadlines, and directly sent invitations are gathered.
This tab displays deadlines exclusively. The first to appear are the deadlines that expire soonest.
Here, you will find, for example, an invitation to tender that a contracting authority has specifically sent to you.
This section provides information about the outcome of a procurement procedure after it has been published by a contracting authority.

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