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Economic Operator

Here, you will find the most frequent questions, along with their answers, asked by NEN System Users registered as economic operators.

1. What is the NIPEZ code and where can I add it?

The NIPEZ code is a classification of commodities (supplies, services, construction works) that are the subject-matter of public contracts. The NIPEZ code provided by the economic operator serves the contracting authorities to facilitate searching when contacting economic operators with an invitation to tender. You can add the economic operator’s NIPEZ through the "Manage Organization Information" tile in the "NIPEZ of the economic operator" section. This action can only be performed by a NEN System User with the role of "Entity’s Administrator".

We recommend specifying the activities your organization specializes in.

2. How do I set up notifications for new public contracts?

The NEN system offers a feature called "Information Service" which is used to send notifications about newly initiated procurement procedures in the NEN system according to your own parameters. You can find particular information in the knowledge base.

3. How do I submit a tender, request to participate, etc.?

Submitting a tender, request to participate, or indicative tender can be done from multiple locations, including through the "Make a Submission" tile, the "Procurement Procedures" tab, or based on an invitation to tender. You can find particular information in the knowledge base.

4. How to encrypt a tender and where to obtain the encryption key?

If the contracting authority requires encryption of the tender, after pressing the "Send" button, the NEN system will automatically prefill the encryption certificate that the contracting authority has set up for encrypting tenders. Then, you click on the "Encrypt" button to complete the submission.

5. What is the diference between "Send" and "Sign and Send"?

If signing is not required by the contracting authority, you can use the "Send" option. The "Sign and Send" option is used if specified by the contracting authority in the procurement documents (award criteria). After pressing this button, you will be prompted to insert your qualified certificate.

6. How do I submit a request to participate to an already established DPS?

You submit a request to participate in an established dynamic purchasing system through the "Dynamic Purchasing Systems" tile. You can find particular information in the knowledge base.

7. Can I submit a request for an explanation of the procurement documents after the deadline?

The NEN system allows for the submission of requests after the deadline. However, pursuant to Section 98 (1)(a) of the ZZVZ, the contracting authority may explain the procurement documents at least 5 working days before the deadline for submitting requests to participate, indicative tenders, or tenders. This deadline is shortened to 4 working days before the deadline for submitting tenders for below-threshold public contracts pursuant to Section 54 (5) of the ZZVZ.

In addition to the above-mentioned deadline of 5 or 4 working days, it is necessary to add a period of 3 working days for the submission of an explanation of the procurement documents pursuant to Section 98 (3) of the ZZVZ: "The contracting authority is not obliged to provide an explanation if the request for explanation is not delivered in time, which means not less then three working days before the expiry of the time limits defined in subsection (1)."

These deadlines are therefore added up in relation to the expiry of the deadline for submitting tenders.

8. How do I request a change of the official name?

A NEN System User with the role of "Entity’s Administrator" can make the change through the "Manage Organization Information" tile, where, in the top toolbar under the "Requests" option, you select the desired change. This change is subject to review by the NEN System Operator.

If there is a change in the organization ID number (IČO), it will result in the creation of a new entity. In such a case, it is necessary to perform a new registration of the entity.

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