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Have you not found your question in any of the categories? If you cannot find the answer to your question here either, please contact the NEN System User Support.

1. What are the CNA and CWE add-ons used for, and where can I verify their functionality?

The installation of the Crypto Native App (extension for operating systems) and Crypto Web Extension (extension for web browsers) add-ons is necessary for signing and decrypting operations in the NEN system (for download here). In the compatibility test, it is possible to verify the installation of these add-ons. This can be done at the bottom of the screen in the "Certificate and Signature Test" section, where the field needs to be highlighted in green. Here, you can insert and test the functionality of your qualified certificate.


  • for the Safari web browser, the installation of the Crypto Web Extension add-on (extension for web browsers) is not supported, therefore, it is necessary to use one of the supported browsers,

  • if you are using macOS, which only supports 64-bit drivers, it is not possible to install the application in this combination.

After downloading the Crypto Native App application, a file with the extension .dmg is downloaded. This is not an installation file (a file with the extension .dmg (disk image) is commonly used in macOS X as a disk image format). After mounting this disk image, you will find the installation file with the .pkg extension through Finder.

Linux OS - the installation of the Crypto Native App add-on (extension for operating systems) is not supported.

If a user is interested, it is possible to provide the source code from CNA by the supplier of technical support, allowing Linux users to download and compile it themselves.

Certificate for ID cards (Slovakia) - unfortunately, 64-bit drivers are not provided for the Slovak identity card, so it is necessary to install the 32-bit version of Crypto Native App for the Windows platform.

2. How to proceed in case of loss or forgotten password?

If you remember your username and the email address listed in the NEN system, use the "Forgot password" functionality directly in the login section. Otherwise, please contact the NEN System User Support (contacts provided in the header) or the entity’s administrator of your organization.

3. What is the maximum size of an attached file?

The NEN system supports attachments up to a maximum size of 100MB per file. This limitation applies across the public, authorized, and integration part of the NEN system. Larger attachments must be split into separate files using the ZIP algorithm. When splitting into parts, the ZIP format with extensions ZIP and 001, 002, etc., is supported.

4. What is the difference between a qualified and a commercial certificate?

Qualified certificates are primarily for signing (e.g., registration forms, tender submissions, messages, etc.). Commercial certificates are intended for encrypting and decrypting public contracts (these are always arranged by the contracting authority for these purposes).

5. What is the difference between internal and external notifications?

Internal notifications are understood as all notifications delivered within the NEN system. You can access these notifications through the envelope icon located in the upper right corner. External notifications are notifications that will be delivered to the email address you provided.

6. What is a qualified timestamp in the NEN system?

It refers to a qualified timestamp automatically assigned by the NEN system to documents containing a qualified electronic signature, enabling the anchoring of the signature’s validity in time, or it refers to an electronic mark proving the document’s origin.

The purpose of this mark is solely to provide information about the origin of the document (the document was inserted to the NEN system). The validity of this electronic mark is always one year. The expiration of the validity of the NEN system's electronic mark cannot a priori be considered as making the document false or inauthentic. Legal actions cannot a priori be considered invalid.

7. Where do I obtain confirmation of delivery?

Delivery via the NEN system fully complies with the requirements of the ZZVZ and implementing regulations regarding delivery within a procurement procedure. Confirmation of the transmission of a data message through the NEN system is considered evidence of delivery of the data message to the recipient (see Section 4 (1) of the Decree 260/2016 Coll., on the establishment of more detailed conditions concerning electronic tools, electronic acts in public procurement and the certificate of conformity, as amended).

If transmission is made via the NEN system, the moment of delivery is considered the moment of sending. However, this represents the moment of completion of the whole sending process, specifically, the receipt of the submission by the NEN system, not the moment the "Send" button is pressed. Therefore, we recommend that economic operators take steps leading to such an action well in advance.

8. How is it with data archiving?

Pursuant to Section 216 of the ZZVZ, the contracting authority is obliged to retain documentation to the procurement procedure, which consists of all documents in paper or electronic form and outputs from oral communication, the acquisition of which during or after the procurement procedure is required by this law, including the full text of the original tenders from all economic operators, for a period of 10 years from the date of termination of the procurement procedure or the change of commitment from the contract to the public contract, unless another legal regulation prescribes a longer period. Therefore, the NEN system retains all structured and unstructured data (documents) related to the procurement procedure for at least this period. It will then be up to the contracting authority whether to export this data from the system and further archive it.

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