Economic Operator 28. 6. 2024
Validation message in case of submitting a significantly better bid in an e-auction
The benefit of this change request is to notify the economic operator that they are submitting a significantly better bid.
When improving the bid value within an e-auction beyond the recommended limits, a warning will be displayed to the economic operator indicating that the values being submitted are outside the recommended limits calculated from the best bid. The NEN system will then require the economic operator to confirm by clicking the YES button, or to reject by clicking the NO button. These limits are applied only when the economic operator is improving the best bid within the given criterion.

Notification of the time remaining until the end of the auction round
The benefit of this change request is to better notify the economic operator of the approaching end of the auction room.
In the event that the auction room ends before the auction round (due to the setting "V určené době nebude podána nová nabídka" (No new bids will be submitted within the specified time) by the contracting authority), the text "Time remaining" will be displayed in bold red within the ongoing e-auction to better alert the NEN System User to this fact.

Clarification of the validation message for item bid submission
The benefit of this change request is to modify the validation message for item submissions to make it more helpful to NEN System Users. This will improve clarity and save time for NEN System Users when dealing with a large number of validation messages displayed by the NEN system.
The validation message pop-up window for item submissions will be adjusted by replacing the collapsed list of validations with an expanded list of individual messages.

Procurement documents and explanation of the procurement documents as part of the established DPS
The benefit of this change request is to improve the accessibility of procurement documents and explanation of procurement documents within an established DPS for economic operators.
In the details of a DPS in the "Register of dynamic purchasing systems", the "Documents" tab will be modified to include two new sections - "Procurement Documents of the Introductory Contract" and "DPS Documents".

Also, a new folder "Explanation of the Procurement Documents of the Introductory Contract" will be added. It will include all records currently available to economic operators in the contract details where the DPS has been introduced under the "Explanation of the Procurement Documents" folder, both published and sent to economic operators.

Display of confirmed tenders
The benefit of this change request is to display all confirmed tenders made by the economic operator through an e-catalog connected to the system, for better overview and administration
In the "Electronic catalog" form accessed through the corresponding tile, a new button "Overview of confirmed tenders" has been added to the top gray toolbar.

After clicking it, the "Overview of confirmed tenders" form will open, containing a list of all items that have been updated and confirmed through e-catalogs connected to the system for individual procurement procedures.