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Public Portal of the NEN System 28. 6. 2024

Option to filter economic operators by the NIPEZ of the economic operator in the Register of Economic Operators

The benefit of this change request is the possibility to search for economic operators by NIPEZ on both the authorized and public pages of the NEN system.

Public portal of the NEN system

The option to filter will be expanded similarly to the "List of public procurements" using the "Advanced search" feature.


After clicking the "Advanced search" button, NEN System Users will be presented with search options.


Display of procurement documents and explanation of the procurement documents in the DPS details in the DPS Register

The benefit of this change request is to improve the accessibility of procurement documents and explanation of procurement documents within an established DPS for economic operators.

In the details of a DPS in the "Register of dynamic purchasing systems" on the public portal of the NEN system, two new sections will be added below the "Commodity Catalogue" section: "Procurement Documents of the Introductory Contract" and "Explanation of the Procurement Documents of the Introductory Contract".

In the "Procurement Documents of the Introductory Contract" section, all documents currently published for the contract where the DNS has been introduced will be displayed under the "Procurement Documentation" section of the contract detail.

In the "Explanation of the Procurement Documents of the Introductory Contract" section, all records currently published for the contract where the DNS has been introduced will be displayed under the "Explanation of the Procurement Documents" section of the contract detail. This block will be visible only if an explanation of the procurement documents has been published.


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