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6. Information for the Public and Publication in the VVZ

6.1. Public portal of the NEN system

6.1.1 The public portal of the NEN system is a platform that aggregates all data publicly available in the NEN system without any need for registration and login of a NEN System User.

6.1.2 The public portal of the NEN system includes, in particular:

  • information about procurement procedures, DPS register, NEN System Journal, and qualification systems;

  • contracting authorities profiles;

  • register of entities;

  • registration to the NEN system, and

  • information related to the operation of the NEN system.

6.1.3 The NEN System Journal provides a chronological overview of individual publications related to procurement procedures submitted or recorded via the NEN system.

6.1.4 Information about procurement procedures on the public portal of the NEN system contains a summary of all the information published via the NEN system for a given procurement procedure.

6.1.5 Contracting authorities profiles on the public portal of the NEN system contain an overview and detailed profiles of contracting authorities who have decided to utilize the function of a contracting authority profile in the NEN system.

6.1.6 The register of entities contains basic information about registered contracting authorities and registered economic operators in the NEN system.

6.1.7 Information related to the operation of the NEN system includes, in particular, information about updates, planned outages, NEN System User Support, user manuals, the NEN System Operator, and the NEN System Operating Rules.

6.2. Publication of information in the VVZ via the NEN system

6.2.1 Submitting forms to the VVZ through the NEN system is temporarily not applicable. Currently, the NEN system only allows for record-keeping purposes.

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