5. NEN System User Support
5.1. Application and methodological support
5.1.1 The NEN system provides application support in the form of contextual help and user manuals available on the public portal of the NEN system.
5.1.2 Application support refers to the description of how to use individual functionalities of the NEN system.
5.2. FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
5.2.1 The NEN System User Support includes the publication of frequently asked questions and their answers. The FAQ list is accessible to NEN System Users on the public portal of the NEN system.
5.2.2 The NEN System Operator publishes answers to the top 20 frequently asked questions on a monthly basis.
5.3. NEN System User Support
5.3.1 The NEN System Operator is not responsible for the availability of ServiceDesk services. The NEN System Operator only utilizes the ServiceDesk to provide services as a unified contact point for the NEN system (hereinafter referred to as the "NEN System User Support"), which includes:
direct support to NEN System Users in the form of the application and methodological support,
receipt, recording, categorization, prioritization, forwarding for resolution, monitoring of resolution status, and providing information about the status and outcome of resolution of:
user inquiries regarding the NEN system application and NEN system services,
reporting and management of operational events and incidents,
requests for additional services provided by the NEN System Operator or the NEN System Administrator in connection with the functioning of the NEN system, and
requests for changes to functionalities or features of the NEN system.
NEN System User Support services are accessible to NEN System Users through the contacts listed on the public portal of the NEN system, including:
email (hotline@nipez.cz);
ServiceDesk, and
NEN System User support application form available to registered NEN NEN System Users after logging into the NEN system application.
5.3.2 In case of unavailability of ServiceDesk services, contact the NEN System Administrator.
5.3.3 NEN System User Support services are provided during regular working hours, i.e., on working days from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Outside regular working hours, NEN System User Support services are not available by phone. NEN System User inquiries submitted outside regular working hours will be addressed on the following working day.
5.3.4 Calls to the telephone line are charged at the national minute rate according to your tariff.
5.3.5 Each inquiry for application and methodological support and each operational incident report is assigned a unique identifier by the NEN System Operator. The NEN System User will receive a notification to the provided email or the specified email address in the profile settings of the NEN System User after logging into the NEN system.
5.3.6 Based on the identifier, the NEN System Operator enables the NEN System User to check the status of their enquiry for application and methodological support and the reported operational incident.
5.3.7 Each reported operational incident or event and its resolution must be recorded by the NEN System Operator and the incident must be categorized according to its criticality and severity.
5.3.8 Time limits for incident resolution are set pursuant to the agreement Smlouva o zajištění provozu Národního elektronického nástroje, specifically Appendix No. 1 - Katalog služeb provozu systému NEN.
5.3.9 In the event of a request for changes to the NEN system, the NEN System User Support requires, as part of the verification process, the submission of the request along with a valid guaranteed electronic signature based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures or a qualified electronic signature, or the submission of the request via the ServiceDesk after logging in with the user account requesting the change.
5.4. NEN system test environment
5.4.1 The test environment of the NEN system (also referred to as "reference" or "sandbox" environment) is provided to NEN System Users as a non-production environment where contracting authorities can test the awarding of public contracts and economic operators can test submission of tenders.
5.4.2 The test environment of the NEN system is identical to the live NEN system environment, but test procurement procedures performed in it do not have any legal effect. Registration is also required for the test environment of the NEN system. Upon a NEN System User’s request, pre-defined test login credentials may be sent to the NEN System User. In the case of a request for registration of an existing entity, the registering entity must submit a request to the ServiceDesk. Upon receiving the request, the registering entity will be prompted to provide a declaration containing all the required information for creating the registration. Subsequently, the NEN System User support will create the account in the NEN system test environment.
5.4.3 Files uploaded by NEN System Users are preserved in the NEN system test environment for a time period of 6 months from the establishment of the procurement procedure, after which they are automatically replaced by internal files to reduce storage requirements.
5.4.4 The NEN system test environment is accessible to NEN System Users here.