Registration of a Czech Supplier (Economic Operator)
Would you like to participate in tender procedures? Do you supply supplies, provide services, or execute works as a legal or natural person? Do you want to receive information about new public contracts? Are you going to administrate public contracts for a contracting authority as an external administrator? Perform the registration as a supplier (economic operator).
Documents required for registration
document proving the existence of the given organization (a copy of an entry in the Commercial Register, law, founding document, organization status, etc.),
the document must not be older than 14 days before the date of sending the registration application,
the applicant is authorized to submit the document in a plain copy if it is available for inspection in the official register on the website, with a link provided in the relevant field of the registration form. If not, the document must be secured with a valid guaranteed electronic signature based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures or a qualified electronic signature or an authorized conversion,
completed and electronically signed Registration Form available for download from the "Files for Download" section,
in case that you will act as an external administrator, it is necessary to attach a declaration of an external administrator, available for download in the "Files for Download" section. It is displayed only if the checkbox "The supplier will externally represent the contracting authority in the award of public contracts" is set to a "tick",
if you do not have an organization ID number (IČO) or operate under a different authorization, it is necessary to submit a document in which the registering entity confirms the veracity of the provided data and their identity. This document can be downloaded from the "Files for Download" section. It is displayed only if the option "I do not have "Organisation ID number"" is set to a "tick".
Filling in the application for registration
To confirm whether you are already registered in the NEN system, please take a look into the Register of suppliers.
To initiate registration in the NEN system, start by selecting Registration and then choose the category of the registered entity.
The list of mandatory fields may vary depending on the specific information provided by the applicant. Registration is completed by submitting the application. You must attach the completed and electronically signed Registration Form and other required documents marked as mandatory to your application.

For proper registration, it is necessary to fill in all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk. It is important to provide the correct email address to which a verification link will be sent.

The submission of the registration application can be performed after completing all mandatory fields and agreeing to the conditions of registration.

Successful submission of the application for approval will be confirmed by the message "The registration application has been sent". This message includes information about the email to which the verification link has been sent and its validity period.

Please note that registration into the NEN system is not possible without email verification. The validity of the sent link is 24 hours.