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Navigation on the Main Page

Information on the main page, located in individual blocks, depends on the settings of a particular NEN System User.

Main panel

In the upper part of the screen, there are icons for the settings of a NEN System User, time, calendar, and notably, an icon for accessing internal communication in the NEN system.


The meaning of these icons is explained below.


Icon’s meaning

Return to the main screen of the NEN system from any part of the NEN system. Windows remain open upon return.

Switching between minimized forms in the background. The red circle indicates the current number of open forms in the background. Clicking the icon allows you to switch to the required form.

Display of the calendar of My Procedures. Here, for example, deadlines for submitting tenders and other important time limits are shown. The icon displays procurement procedures listed in My Procedures.

Display of internal notifications in the NEN system. If a new message is delivered to you, a red dot appears on the icon.

In the NEN System User settings, you can find information about the NEN System User or log out of the NEN system. In the case that a NEN System User has the role of an external administrator, role switching is performed here.

Meaning of system icons

Meaning of system icons

The whole NEN system includes icons that initiate specific actions. The meaning of these icons is provided in the table.


Icon name

Icon’s meaning


The icon is used for filtering displayed information.


It performs the update of the currently open form.


It provides access to data editing, and edits can also be initiated by clicking within the form.


discard changes

It deletes changes currently made and unsaved in the currently open form.



It saves changes made in the currently open form.


It displays detailed information about the respective record by which it is placed, or it refers to another location in the NEN system.

cloud with an arrow

The icon is used for downloading files from the NEN system.

three dots

The quick action button reveals options for the respective record, such as submitting a tender, editing or deleting the record, etc.

three dots

The icon is used for filtering in the respective column in all lists in the NEN system.

double arrow

It displays all records.


The icon is used for printing a record.

bounded arrow

The icon is used for exporting documents.


The icon is used for adding a tile.

Breadcrumb navigation

Breadcrumb navigation

Breadcrumb navigation is displayed under the main panel whenever any form is open. It shows the path of forms through which a NEN System User has navigated to a currently displayed form.

By clicking on any previous item in the breadcrumb navigation, apart from the home icon, the switching to the designated form is made, and all subsequent forms are closed.


Clicking on the "Home" icon initiates the return to the main screen, minimizing the form in the background, which can be reopened later through the icon for displaying minimized forms.


Clicking on the "Cross" closes the current form and returns to the previous form or the main screen.

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