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Internal Notifications

By internal notifications are understood all notifications delivered to the NEN system. You can access these notifications through the envelope located in the upper right corner.

Click on the envelope icon and select the "Display all" option at the bottom. The "Communication" form will appear, behaving generally like an email client, i.e., it includes folders as Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Deleted mail, Unclassified, and Archive.


The message content is organized into the message header, attachments and message text. The header contains identification details and quick response buttons, such as "Respond". Attachments contain documents attached within the data message, all attached documents can be downloaded at once. The message text contains the communication from the contracting authority or you. Communication in the NEN system can be conducted similarly to an email client.

When you press the "Respond" button, all the details included in the message header are pre-filled. This button is not available for messages sent by the NEN system.

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