1. Assign permissions only for what you truly need and not unnecessarily more
Assigning a role to a specific department
If permissions are assigned to a specific department, the NEN System User will receive permissions to perform actions (e.g., administer the procurement procedure) only within that department and, if applicable, its subordinate departments (see the right to subordinate departments checkbox).
Example: If NEN System Users A and B have the role of Administrator of PP within the same department, and user A creates a new procurement procedure, user B can automatically administer that process as well.
This setting is suitable for situations where it is acceptable or even advantageous (to allow for substitutes in case of vacation/sickness) for NEN System Users from the same department to work with the same procurement procedures.
Assigning a role to a specific contract
Tuto funkci lze využít, pokud určitý Uživatel systému NEN bude administrovat pouze konkrétní zadávací postup (např. pouze určité druhy zadávacích postupů) a nepotřebuje tak mít roli přiřazenou na určitý útvar, nebo potřebuje přístup k zakázce z jiného útvaru, nebo potřebuje pouze dočasný přístup (např. auditor).
This function can be utilized when a particular NEN System User will administer only a specific procurement procedure (e.g., only certain types of procurement procedures) and does not need to have a role assigned to a specific department, or when they require access to a contract from another department, or need only temporary access (e.g., an auditor).