NEN System Operating Rules
Operating rules for routine operation of the NEN system
[NEN System Operator: consortium of companies TESCO SW a.s., tř. Kosmonautů 1288/1, Hodolany, 779 00 Olomouc, ID No.: 25892533 and O2 Czech Republic a.s., Za Brumlovkou 266/2, Michle, 140 22 Praha 4, ID No.: 60193336]
These operating rules (hereinafter referred to as the "NEN System Operating Rules") were issued by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic as the NEN System Administrator based on the resolution of the government of the Czech Republic of 30 July 2014 and 5 August 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the "Government Resolution No. 628/2014").
The NEN System Operating Rules are issued for the period of routine operation of the NEN system. During operation, changes to the NEN System Operating Rules may occur, and registered entities shall be informed about them.
Update from 20 October 2023
Contact information provided in the NEN System Operating Rules
🕧 NEN System User Support 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on working days
📋 ServiceDesk
☎️ +420 841 888 841
📪 Data box of the NEN System Operator ID: 28xgm7e
📫 Data box of the NEN System Administrator ID: 26iaava