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Management of Persons

The functionalities related to creating persons (NEN System Users) can be accessed through the "Management of Persons" tile. The creation of a new person is always associated with a specific organization and is performed by the "Entity's Administrator". By registering, the NEN System User obtains access permissions to the respective organization. In case a person is registered in multiple organizations, they will have multiple sets of access credentials.

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You can search/ add the "Management of Persons" tile using the search bar "What would you like to do?" or the "plus" icon. After clicking on this tile, a form will appear where you can create new persons and subsequently assign their permissions in the NEN system.

Creation of a new person

Creation of a new person

Only the "Entity’s Administrator" and "Organization Department’s Administrator" can create new persons in the NEN system.

  1. To add a new person, click on the "New" button in the upper left corner of the form and fill in at least all required fields (highlighted in yellow).

  2. Simultaneously, you can designate a "Contact person" (this person will be included among the organization's contact persons in the public portal of the NEN system).

  1. Verify the correctness of the entered email address (an email including instructions for completing the registration of the new NEN System User and setting the access password for the NEN system will be sent to this email address).

  2. In the "Permissions of the person" section, set the role(s) you want to assign to the person.

  3. Click on the "Save" button to complete the registration of the new NEN System User. (After pressing the button, instructions for completing the registration will be sent to the provided email).

Completion of person registration and password setting

Completion of person registration and password setting

To complete the creation of a new person (NEN System User) in the NEN system, the NEN System User must independently confirm and finish the registration.

  1. You will confirm the registration of the new NEN System User by clicking on the link in the email within the specified time limit of 7 calendar days. After clicking on the provided link, you will be redirected to the NEN system to create a user password. This email is currently available only in the Czech language.

  1. The username is automatically generated by the NEN system and cannot be changed. The username consists of the initial letters of the first name, last name, and organization name.

  2. After setting the password, complete the confirmation by selecting "Odeslat"/ "Send".

The language of this section can be changed into English in the upper right corner.

Suspension of access and change of user password

Suspension of access and change of user password

The "Entity’s Administrator" can suspend access of a NEN System User to the NEN system. The suspension can subsequently be restored without the need to add a new person (NEN System User).

  1. Select the respective person from the list on the left side, alternatively, you can use the "three dots" icon for filtering in case of a large number of persons.

  2. After selecting the NEN System User from the list, the "Change user password" and "Suspend user access" buttons will appear on the right side of the form. Each NEN System User can also change their password themselves, using User Settings.

  1. If you want to restore access of the NEN System User whose access to the NEN system has been suspended, click on the "Restore user access" button next to their name.

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